I take pleasure in commending your exceptionally outstanding performance of duty as a Leading Petty Officer. You have earned this Gold Wreath Award for Navy Recruiting Station Palmdale achieving 100% Active New Contract Objective, NPS Reserve Accession, NAT, Prior Service Affiliation and TTCU for three consecutive months during the period of January 2012 through March 2012.
Your performance is indicative of your professionalism, effectiveness and total dedication in support of Navy recruiting. It takes professionals, such as yourself, working long, hard hours at considerable personal sacrifice to be able to excel in recruiting. NRD Los Angeles could not enjoy the success it has without leaders like you. Your display of initiative and resourcefulness has qualified you for this accolade.
Your keen sense of responsibility and devotion reflects great credit upon you and were in keeping with the highest standards of the United States Navy. You may be justifiably proud of your accomplishments, as I am proud of you. Well done!
March 31, 2012