10/5/05 to 3/15/06

David F. Reische, CDR, USN
SDS-5 Det. Undersea Research & Development

  • Paygrade: E5
  • Professional knowledge: 5
  • Quality of work: 5
  • Equal opportunity: 3
  • Military bearing / Character: 4
  • Personal job accomplishment / Initiative: 5
  • Teamwork: 4
  • Leadership: 3
  • Individual trait average: 4.14
  • Promotion recommendation: Must Promote

Provided operational and technical expertise for highly complex Multi-Mission Platform (MMP) systems installed on USS JIMMY CARTER (SSN-23). Completed ORSE, TRE, two emergent drydockings, and four at-sea test periods dedicated to MMP system testing.

PRI: Sensor Operator-4

COLL: Specialized Test Equipment Officer-4

WATCH: Side Scan Sonar Operator-4; Deep Submergence Obstacle Sonar Operator-4 (at sea); Duty Chief Petty Officer-3 (in port)

Leave and Transit: 10/5/05 ~ 11/1/01

Petty Officer Osterday is a strong technician responsible for the operation and maintenance of a highly unique UR&D Sensor Navigation System onboard the USS JIMMY CARTER (SSN-23).

•  Aggressive qualifier. He rapidly qualified 5 divisional watch stations in four months; one half of the time allotted, this allowed maximum watchbill flexibility in an undermanned division.

•  Meticulous administrator. During the development of the USS JIMMY CARTER’s UR&D system documentation, he identified and provided corrective actions to crucial equipment systems. His diverse knowledge was instrumental in the review of thousands of pages of technical manuals, maintenance procedures, and operational guidelines critical to mission success.

•  Quality of work. As the Mission Navigation calibration Petty Officer, he revamped the division’s test equipment program, ensuring zero discrepancies during a recent inspection.

Petty Officer Osterday has proven himself a valuable member of his division. His contributions, talent, and eagerness to improve are readily recognized. His drive and knowledge base have been instrumental in the continued success of Undersea Research and Development. He is highly recommended for advancement.

Qualifications: Cargo Bay Handler; DS/OAS Operator; SSLS Operator; Basic Undersea Research and Development