3/16/04 to 11/19/04
Jimmie L. Miller, LCDR, USN
USS Rhode Island SSBN-740(G)
- Paygrade: E5
- Professional knowledge: 5
- Quality of work: 4
- Equal opportunity: 3
- Military bearing / Character: 3
- Personal job accomplishment / Initiative: 4
- Teamwork: 4
- Leadership: 4
- Individual trait average: 3.86
- Promotion recommendation: Early Promote
Strategic Deterrent Patrol-3, Pre-patrol Training-3, Refit-2. Completed Supply Management Inspection, Operational Reactor Safeguards Examination, Tactical Readiness Evaluation, and Navy Technical Proficiency Inspection.
PRI: NAV ET-8. Responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of Navigational and Interior Communications equipment onboard a TRIDENT II SSBN.
COLL: Divisional Qualification Petty Officer-5; Intel Petty Officer-8
WATCH: Strategic Nav Supervisor-8; Quartermaster of the Watch-8; AEF-8; Bridge GPS Operator-8
• Consummate professional. He demonstrated superior knowledge and forceful backup in the areas of Strategic Navigation and Interior Communication systems during Command inspections and graded team trainers, often singled out as a top performer.
• Recognized expert. He consistently provided his electronic navigation technical expertise as the Maneuvering Watch Bridge GPS Operator, directly contributing to the safety of RHODE ISLAND while piloting in restricted waters. Operating at the level of a seasoned First Class Petty Officer, he was relied upon to provide trustworthy backup and professional assistance in training Junior Officers on navigation and ship-handling.
Petty Officer Osterday requires little supervision and provides superior results. He consistently demonstrates sound judgement and unquestionable reliability. He has my strongest recommendation for advancement to First Class Petty Officer.
Awards: GWOT Expeditionary Medal; GWOT Service Medal; COMSUBLANT Letter of Commendation