For professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as a member of the Strategic Systems Programs, Shipboard Integration Increment Four (SSI Inc 4) TR-D1 Software Fleet validation onboard USNS WATERS (T-AGS-45) from February to March 2016. Petty Officer Osterday consistently performed his demanding duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. Based on his invaluable operational experience and in-depth subsystem knowledge, he was hand-selected to support critical in-port and at-sea testing of the Strategic Systems Programs, Shipboard Integration Increment Four Strategic Navigation Subsystem. His diligent watch standing significantly contributed in identifying seven software and 93 documentation Program Problem Reports throughout the Fleet validation. His personal contributions, and the 194 total comments and recommendations captured, provide for the correction and future improvement to the Strategic Systems Programs, Shipboard Integration Increment Four Strategic Navigation Subsystem, where Fleet participation tailors the end product prior to implementation. Petty Officer Osterday’s exceptional professional ability, initiative, and loyal devotion to duty reflected credit upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
March 1, 2016