6/16/01 to 3/15/02
Paul E. Savage, LCDR, USN
USS Rhode Island SSBN-740(G)
- Paygrade: E5
- Professional knowledge: 3
- Quality of work: 4
- Equal opportunity: 3
- Military bearing / Character: 3
- Personal job accomplishment / Initiative: 4
- Teamwork: 3
- Leadership: 3
- Individual trait average: 3.29
- Promotion recommendation: Must Promote
Strategic Deterrent Patrol-4, Pre-patrol Training-2, Refit-2, Refit Assist-1. Operational Reactor Safeguards Examination. Awarded COMSUBRON TWENTY Communications “C”.
PRI: Responsible for safe operation and navigation of TRIDENT II SSBN, and maintenance of ship’s control and navigation equipment.
COLL: Ship’s ISA/LAN Admin-7; Ship’s Movie Petty Officer-9; Div Cal Petty Officer-9; Div Pub Petty Officer-9
WATCH: Nav Watch-12; Below Decks-12; AEF-12; BCEF-12; Duty ET-12; POOD-12; Topside Sentry-12
• Demonstrating his superb technical knowledge he installed a true heading modification for the ship which required no rework. This provided true heading to the commercial radar and GPS, greatly enhancing the safe navigation of the ship.
• Produced superior work with little or no supervision. He was responsible for collecting over 4800 pages of Top Secret Deck Logs during two strategic deterrent patrols.
• As an ISA/LAN Administrator, he was responsible for maintenance, upgrade, and operation of two shipboard LAN computer systems. He worked directly with Trident Refit Facility, retail vendors, and COMSUBGRU TEN to install and implement the ship’s Unclassified Shipboard LAN (NIPRNET), allowing the command to connect with various navigational charting agencies to download information and update charts quickly.
• His appearance is always excellent. He consistently has a smart-looking uniform and haircut. He has already earned my recommendation for advancement. Petty Officer Osterday’s performance was consistently superb. He is highly recommended for advancement to Petty Officer First Class and programs leading to a commission.
Qualifications: Auxiliary Electrician Forward; Battery Charging Electrician Forward; Duty ET; Below Decks Watch