7/2/16 to 9/15/16

Aldrith L. Baker, CDR, USN
Navy Recruiting District Los Angeles

  • Paygrade: E6
  • Promotion recommendation: Not Observed

Recruit high quality officer and enlisted applicants for Active and Reserve Naval Service in seven Southern California counties, the State of Hawaii, Pacific Island territories, and the Far East.

PRI: Officer Recruiter-1. Assigned to Navy Reserve Recruiting Station (NRRS) Encino. Responsible for canvassing, placement, testing and processing qualified applicants for Naval Service.


Submitted upon member’s selection to Chief Petty Officer.

Recruiting is an extraordinarily fast-paced, high pressure, independent duty outside of member’s normal career path. This assignment involves a rigorous and lengthy training pipeline, which includes five weeks of formal training and six months’ duty under instruction to qualify as a Production Recruiter. Due to this lengthy qualification process, recruiters will not receive an observed evaluation for their first 180 days onboard. Refer to observed evaluations from previous assignments to evaluate member’s potential for advancement and/or application for special programs.

•  Completed Enlisted Navy Recruiting Orientation (ENRO) for ENRO instructors.

Award: Letter of Commendation