My Performance Evaluations

During my career in the U.S. Navy from 1999 to 2019
September 16, 2017 to September 15, 2018


•  Savvy Recruiter. Outperformed other Nuclear Programs Officer (NUPOC) recruiters by 200%, he attained 50% of the Nuclear Program contract attainments in a team of five! Helped design and implement our NUPOC prospecting strategy. Referred four General Officer applicants and one Enlisted applicant. Managed 428 prospect leads and 22 college lists for 24 other Officer Recruiters, conducted group training on prospecting, trained new recruiters in applicant tracking systems, and provided the District Delayed Entry Program Coordinator with useful insight. His efforts yielded Navy Recruiting Command’s Admiral’s Warrior Award and directly contributed to overall mission success.

•  Exemplary Mentor. Mentored the Command Career Counselor, leading to attaining the Retention Excellence Award. Participated in eight Sailor of the Quarter boards, mentored 12 First Class Petty Officers, playing a vital role in four Sailors’ promotion to Chief Petty Officer.

•  Solution Finder. Extremely accurate and careful about administrative detail. Developed numerous procedures and proposals that brought widespread improvement to the Command. His ability to conceptualize, plan, and implement new projects is exceptional.


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September 16, 2016 to September 15, 2017


•  Excellent Recruiter. Submitted three nuclear officer applicants, 22 academic pre-screens, five NVIP submarine tours and six career fairs. He referred 10 officer and eight enlisted applicants, designed NUPOC training materials, trained five other officer recruiters on applicant tracking, wrote Solomon Act requests, obtained 14 college school lists and created a college registrar database now utilized by all officer recruiters in the NRD.

•  Deckplate Leadership. Led 12 Chiefs in auditing service records for 29 CPO board-eligibile Sailors, personally mentored 11 members toward promotion to CPO, serving as an ambassador for command culture. Coached my Command Career Counselor to a 91% inspection score and mentored two CCCs from other commands on unique HR situations.

•  Future Focused. A confident communicator, he sat 36 SOQ/SOY boards, prepared four SOQ nomination packages and two awards, took part in Equal Opportunity, provided policy guidance and interpretation, worked with leadership to identify and support justifiable promotions, and collaborated with IT to improve efficiency. Ensures continuous innovation.

Awarded Homeland Security Fellow designation and Deep Submergence Insignia.

Possesses professional competence to know what to do, fortitude to decide how to do it, and dynamic leadership to inspire others to accomplish it. Strongly recommended for promotion!

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July 2, 2016 to September 15, 2016

Submitted upon member’s selection to Chief Petty Officer.

Recruiting is an extraordinarily fast-paced, high pressure, independent duty outside of member’s normal career path. This assignment involves a rigorous and lengthy training pipeline, which includes five weeks of formal training and six months’ duty under instruction to qualify as a Production Recruiter. Due to this lengthy qualification process, recruiters will not receive an observed evaluation for their first 180 days onboard. Refer to observed evaluations from previous assignments to evaluate member’s potential for advancement and/or application for special programs.

•  Completed Enlisted Navy Recruiting Orientation (ENRO) for ENRO instructors.

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November 16, 2015 to July 1, 2016

This evaluation is submitted upon ETV1(SS) Osterday’s transfer to NAVCRUITDIST Los Angeles.

•  Inspiring Counselor. Mentored Sailors throughout the command, gaining their trust through his ability to connect imagination with decisive action; his dedication earned the FY15 Retention Excellence Award. He managed 22 reenlistments for $657,472 in bonuses culminating 102 years of continued Naval service. He continues to make a positive impact on Sailors’ experience by supporting the design and implementation of HR programs and initiatives.

•  Program Leader. Significantly improved KENTUCKY’S PII/PHI safeguarding, Family Care, Sponsor Program, and Career Development processes with his measurable inspection criteria and POA&M. He received a 100% CCC formal inspection grade, ensuring the long-term success for future managers of these critical programs.

•  Fleet Contributor. Following his vital role as Battlestations Supervisor for DASO, he participated, by special invitation, in the SSP Shipboard Integration Increment 4 (SSI-4) TR-D1 Software Validation aboard USNS WATERS. The seven software and 93 documentation discrepancies he identified provided insight into the SSI-4 Navigation Center and directly influenced the end product to be delivered to the SSBN fleet.

Petty Officer Osterday is consistently sought after for his knowledge, experience, and advice. He is recommended for continued advancement.

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November 16, 2014 to November 15, 2015

Petty Officer Osterday is an exceptional Career Counselor who takes pride in his work and satisfaction from helping Sailors improve their lives and careers.

•  Driven to Excel. As Navigation Leading Petty Officer, he led 14 Sailors through crew certification and Sea Trials.

•  Retention Expert. Provided executive-level oversight to KENTUCKY’s crew-split of 339 Sailors. Highly specialized in Navy programs and policies, he trained and developed five departmental counselors, and managed 43 reenlistments yielding a cumulative 225 years of Naval Service and $1,349,647 in bonuses. His program received a score of 93% and continued the ship’s exceptional track record.

•  Superb Counselor. Skilled in solving problems encountered by others. Trained in Suicide Intervention and Cognitive Intervention and, as a Command Assessment Team member, he led seven Sailors to complete college degrees.

Petty Officer Osterday’s ideas and actions spur results. He is logical, articulate, and precise. He has my strongest recommendation for selection to Chief Petty Officer.

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January 18, 2014 to November 15, 2014

Petty Officer Osterday is an exceptional sailor and a positive contributor to KENTUCKY.

•  Adept Mentor. Committed himself to the personal and professional development of each Sailor onboard. His leadership has facilitated an esprit de corps throughout the Command. Helped cultivate 29 Sailors in his division into a team that is excited and ready for sea.

•  Top Notch CCC. Stood-up a team of 14 assistant career counselors, led over 200 Career Development Boards, managed 20 Projected Rotation Date shifts, five rating conversion packages, one BCNR package, and 22 reenlistments for 124 years of continued Naval Service and $747,100 in bonuses. Improved his critical program’s inspection score by 55%, earning KENTUCKY the FY14 Retention Excellence Award.

•  Skilled Professional. As Battle Stations Navigation Supervisor, his acuity in leading the Navigation team through challenging Strategic Weapons scenarios directly contributed to an exceptionally successful D5 Strategic Weapons System upgrade and Engineered Refueling Overhaul.

Petty Officer Osterday is already performing at the level of a Chief. He has my strong recommendation for selection to Chief Petty Officer.

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November 16, 2012 to January 17, 2014


• Deckplate leader. He led three recruiters to a consistent monthly production of 147% New Contract Objective, 100% New Accession Training (NAT), 100% Nuke Field, 160% Total Test Category Upper, 109% Female Test Category Upper, 200% NSO/NSW, 104% Shipping and 100% NAT Shipping. His teamwork and motivation resulted in Division Two being selected for Navy Recruiting District Los Angeles Division of the Year for FY13!

• Unmatched mentor. His genuine concern for his Sailors’ personal and professional development is apparent at every turn. In addition, he helped train four recruiters to qualify LPO. 66% of his Sailors including himself earned their Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal and three of his Sailors are enrolled in college. In January 2013, as a result of his outstanding leadership, one of his Sailors was advanced and selected as Junior Sailor of the Year for FY12.

• Superior recruiting asset. Petty Officer Osterday is the leader that thinks and acts far above his paygrade. In addition to the success he brings to others, he also continues to focus on CNRC’s top priorities. His station led my command in Special Operations production as well as Nuclear Power Programs and NROTC scholarship applicants.


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November 16, 2011 to November 15, 2012


• Inspirational leader. As LPO, he mentored and developed three Recruiters and 79 Future Sailors with unprecedented results, 70 of his Future Sailors promoted to next paygrade, and two of his Recruiters completed their LPO PQS. He enrolled in college and USMAP, completed Navy COOL certifications, and earned one “heavy hitter” and two “six-shooter” awards. His leadership has established my command’s standard for excellence!

• Irreplaceable recruiting asset. Focusing on CNRC’s priorities, he led NRS Palmdale to receive 11 separate production awards, enlisting 240% of assigned high school senior goal for the year. 16% of all contracts under his charge were in Nuclear and SPECWAR programs making his average monthly production of 4.8, resulting in selection as Division Two LPO of the Year.

• Stellar initiative. He is the First Class Petty Officer Association Vice President, Command Mentorship Coordinator, and Sailor of the Year nominee. Navy COOL gave NRD Los Angeles national recognition for guiding 42 more of my Sailors to certify DHS Sensitive Security Information.


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November 6, 2010 to November 15, 2011



•  Mission oriented. His sustained superior performance resulted in awarding of the “SIX SHOOTER” for 6 New Contract Objective (NCO) and “BIG HITTER” for six NCO two consecutive months in a row. He enlisted 34 Future Sailors for the FY averaging over 3.78 PPR against a national average of .75 PPR while maintaining ZERO shipping attrition rate. He is the primary contributor to the success of NRS Palmdale achieving 200% of goal.

•  Dedicated mentor. As the Divisional Career Counselor, he managed career counseling for 17 Sailors, leading 28 Career Development Boards and managed seven Enlisted Retention Boards Packages. Impeccable military appearance, extremely bright and articulate, exemplifies Honor, Courage and Commitment!

•  Personal accomplishment. “Distinguished Graduate” honors during FY11 Enlisted Navy Recruiting Orientation, he was inducted to Navy Recruiting Orientation Unit Hall of Fame.


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November 16, 2009 to November 5, 2010

Submitted upon ET1 Osterday’s transfer to NAVCRUITDIST LOS ANGELES, CA.

•  Subject Matter Expert. He speaks and writes with logic, clarity and persuasiveness. His four Strategic Navigation briefs impressed DIRSSP staff and his NAVCENTER VIP tour for two Rear Admirals was informative, energetic, and on the mark. Hand-selected as the Battle Stations Missile Strategic Navigation Supervisor, he led his team with authority and enthusiasm ensuring JACKSON always met its strategic mission.

•  Superb Administrator. As Navigation Division Leading Petty Officer, he guided 12 members through 380 maintenance evolutions and three ESGN Gyro replacements, totaling 12,600 hours of work. He performed a multitude of administrative tasks with enviable punctuality.

•  Excellent Problem Solver. His command endorsed MILCAP submission for Sound Powered Telephone repair has the potential to save the Navy more than $100,000 per year in eliminated waste. He continually looks for ways to improve the Navy and eliminate waste.

ET1 Osterday is an articulate and well organized Sailor who plans ahead and has vision for the future. I recommend him for advancement.

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November 16, 2008 to November 15, 2009

Petty Officer Osterday continues to set the standard for First Class Petty Officers onboard JACKSON. Continuously sought out by peers and seniors alike for his expertise.

•  Recognized Technical Expert. During a critical dual EM-LOG failure, he led the Navigation Division in over 20 hours of troubleshooting and restoration of the system. This allowed the ship to remain at sea and execute her primary mission of vital importance to national security. These actions resulted in new guidance issued to the entire fleet.

•  Dedicated Trainer. During Patrol 73’s pre-deployment training period, he meticulously and expertly crafted the team he led as the Battlestations Missile Navigation Supervisor, leading to a much improved performance on the final evaluation.

•  Able Manager. With acute attention to detail, he drafted and planned the refit support plan, employing 150 men for 36 days of duty. This directly led to the ship achieving its paint and preservation goals, allowing the ship to meet all operational goals on time.

•  Team Player. As the Ship’s GMT Coordinator and the Ship’s NCPACE Coordinator, he ensured that all Sailors onboard were afforded every training opportunity available.

Petty Officer Osterday carries himself with the highest standards of honor, courage, and commitment. He is a seasoned Leading Petty Officer.

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August 5, 2008 to November 15, 2008

Petty Officer Osterday has quickly established himself as a stellar performer. Only ranked promotable due to short time onboard.

•  Technical Expert. Once aware of a weakness in the SUBSKILLSNET training program infrastructure, he volunteered to spearhead the corrective actions necessary to increase the program’s training effectiveness. His initiative and motivation are clearly evident as he demonstrated a drive to improve my training programs. He has already displayed a superior level of knowledge in strategic navigation and is a major asset to his division.

•  Teamwork. He is a fantastic team member. Working to facilitate an inport four section watchbill, he rapidly re-qualified Navigation Center Supervisor. This task contributed to the successful completion of over 100 maintenance projects during the most recent dry-docking refit. He consistently seeks to assist others in their tasks, is willing to work with any member of the division, assisting in the solution of all divisional problems.

Petty Officer Osterday has an unlimited potential for advancement. Recommended for advancement to Chief Petty Officer.

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November 16, 2007 to August 4, 2008

Submitted on the occasion of Petty Officer Osterday’s transfer to USS HENRY M. JACKSON (SSBN-730). OUTSTANDING INDIVIDUAL! His exceptional leadership ability directly contributed to Detachment Undersea Research & Development (DET UR&D) and USS JIMMY CARTER’s (SSN 23) highly successful inaugural deployment and Depot Phased Maintenance Availability (DPMA).

•  Dynamic manager. Managed and supervised the administration requirements for 46 enlisted and 6 officers. His managerial abilities and leadership was directly responsible in the accomplishment of all administrative requirements critical to DET UR&D’s success.

•  Outstanding mentor. Single handily took four newly reporting personnel and assisted in their qualification of critical watches in support of future command employment.

•  Skillful technician. As a member of Mission Navigation Division, his in depth knowledge and uncompromising work ethic were key to the completion of all divisional maintenance and repairs. His efforts ensured the highest state of material readiness for a sophisticated and unique Multi-Mission Platform Integrated Navigation System.

Petty Officer Osterday consistently displays seasoned natural leadership and an infectious work ethic. He has my STRONGEST recommendation for selection to Chief Petty Officer.

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November 16, 2006 to November 15, 2007

Petty Officer Osterday is a critical member of Mission Navigation division. His astute attention to detail and knowledge of Multi-Mission Platform (MMP) navigation was instrumental in the unprecedented success of USS JIMMY CARTER (SSN 23) and DET UR&D.

•  Meticulously accurate. Prepared 14 extensive mission plans consisting of over 210 days of operations supporting tactical navigation, safety of ship and sensor employment. His tireless efforts ensured success through 6 MMP phase trials, 3 mission work ups, and a TYCOM / ISIC Operational Readiness Evaluation.

•  Leader and team builder. Trained, and supervised six Share Point web portal administrators. Devoted over 500 hours developing the web portal, a resource serving 200 personnel with 1.2 terabytes of data, including more than 3000 manuals, drawings, and workspace documentation, supporting USS JIMMY CARTER’s CNO mission reporting.

•  Tireless mentor. Devoted numerous off-duty hours cross-training personnel, resulting in three qualified Sensor Supervisors, greatly contributing to watchbill flexibility.

Petty Officer Osterday accomplishes all tasks with extraordinary efficiency and resourcefulness. Always displays sustained superior performance in all tasks assigned. He has my recommendation for advancement to Chief Petty Officer.

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March 16, 2006 to November 15, 2006

Petty Officer Osterday is a strong technician responsible for the operation and maintenance of USS JIMMY CARTER’s (SSN 23) Multi-Mission Platform (MMP) navigation and sensor suite. A proven asset and invaluable member of his division.

•  Motivated trainer. As Mission Navigation Training Petty Officer, he dedicated over 300 off-watch hours of one-on-one training resulting in junior members qualifying ahead of time and increasing command watch bill flexibility.

•  Mission planner. A key member of the Mission Planning Team, he flawlessly prepared Mission plans for numerous high level briefings outside the command. His efforts ensured manning, logistics, and maintenance requirements were precise and clearly understood.

•  System expert. A navigation expert who learns concepts quickly and performs superbly on any assignment. Assisted in the development and testing of state-of-the-art navigation software during four MMP sea trials significantly contributing to the success of future JIMMY CARTER missions.

Petty Officer Osterday’s contributions, talent, and eagerness to improve are readily recognized and sought out. He continues to grow as a leader and mentor, continually improving in all aspects of leadership. He is highly recommended for advancement.

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October 5, 2005 to March 15, 2006

Petty Officer Osterday is a strong technician responsible for the operation and maintenance of a highly unique UR&D Sensor Navigation System onboard the USS JIMMY CARTER (SSN-23).

•  Aggressive qualifier. He rapidly qualified 5 divisional watch stations in four months; one half of the time allotted, this allowed maximum watchbill flexibility in an undermanned division.

•  Meticulous administrator. During the development of the USS JIMMY CARTER’s UR&D system documentation, he identified and provided corrective actions to crucial equipment systems. His diverse knowledge was instrumental in the review of thousands of pages of technical manuals, maintenance procedures, and operational guidelines critical to mission success.

•  Quality of work. As the Mission Navigation calibration Petty Officer, he revamped the division’s test equipment program, ensuring zero discrepancies during a recent inspection.

Petty Officer Osterday has proven himself a valuable member of his division. His contributions, talent, and eagerness to improve are readily recognized. His drive and knowledge base have been instrumental in the continued success of Undersea Research and Development. He is highly recommended for advancement.

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November 20, 2004 to October 4, 2005

Petty Officer Osterday displayed excellent technical ability as a student in the TRIDENT II (D5) Backfit Navigation Maintainer Replacement Pipeline. Specific topics of instruction are Interior Communications Maintenance (A-623-0124), BPS-15J Radar Maintenance (A-102-0060), Senior Navigation (A-061-0023) and D5 Backfit SWS Navigation Maintainer Replacement (A-193-0442). Throughout the course of instruction, he displayed thorough knowledge of the topics taught and excellent technical ability.

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March 16, 2004 to November 19, 2004

This evaluation is submitted on the occasion of Petty Officer Osterday’s transfer to TRIDENT Training Facility Bangor, WA. As one of my top Second Class Petty Officers, his level of involvement and technical expertise has been outstanding.

•  Consummate professional. He demonstrated superior knowledge and forceful backup in the areas of Strategic Navigation and Interior Communication systems during Command inspections and graded team trainers, often singled out as a top performer.

•  Recognized expert. He consistently provided his electronic navigation technical expertise as the Maneuvering Watch Bridge GPS Operator, directly contributing to the safety of RHODE ISLAND while piloting in restricted waters. Operating at the level of a seasoned First Class Petty Officer, he was relied upon to provide trustworthy backup and professional assistance in training Junior Officers on navigation and ship-handling.

Petty Officer Osterday requires little supervision and provides superior results. He consistently demonstrates sound judgement and unquestionable reliability. He has my strongest recommendation for advancement to First Class Petty Officer.

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March 16, 2003 to March 15, 2004

Petty Officer Osterday has demonstrated exceptional technical knowledge and ability during his tour onboard RHODE ISLAND.

•  Effective coordinator. The pointman in the installation of the new Navigation D5 Backfit System, he ensured the Navigation Subsystem conversion met all command requirements.

•  Excellent administrator. Expert on the shipboard LAN Administrative System. His drive and determination made up for lack of any formal training on the LAN System.

•  Top notch watchstander. Based on his watchstanding formality and professionalism, Petty Officer Osterday was hand selected to fill the Supervisor position during the recent D5 Backfit Certification Team Trainer. His organizational skills and sound technical knowledge directly contributed to a grade of Above Average, and successful crew certification.

Petty Officer Osterday consistently outperforms all expectations and is primed for any challenge. He is highly recommended for advancement to Petty Officer First Class.

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March 16, 2002 to March 15, 2003

Petty Officer Osterday is a true professional and model Sailor. He excelled in all assignments and demonstrated a level of judgement and maturity far above that of his peers. Specific accomplishments include:

•  Superb watchstander. Selected as Battle Stations Missile Nav Watch for his knowledgeable recommendations and forceful backup. Directly improved the performance of the Battle Stations Navigation Team.

•  Self-starter. Dedicated ISA/LAN Administrator. Spent numerous off-duty hours maintaining and upgrading the two shipboard LANs, often requiring interface with external organizations.

•  As Dept DCPO, he ensured 100% material readiness of all damage control equipment while training junior personnel on proper damage control response and equipment operation.

Petty Officer Osterday’s performance was consistently superb. He is highly recommended for advancement to Petty Officer First Class and programs leading to a commission.

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June 16, 2001 to March 15, 2002

Petty Officer Osterday continually shows great ambition, and strives to be the best at all he does. He is resourceful and resilient in his efforts to achieve his goals. He is an outstanding example for newly arriving personnel to follow. He stands an alert watch and always exhibits a very professional demeanor while standing his watches.

•  Demonstrating his superb technical knowledge he installed a true heading modification for the ship which required no rework. This provided true heading to the commercial radar and GPS, greatly enhancing the safe navigation of the ship.

•  Produced superior work with little or no supervision. He was responsible for collecting over 4800 pages of Top Secret Deck Logs during two strategic deterrent patrols.

•  As an ISA/LAN Administrator, he was responsible for maintenance, upgrade, and operation of two shipboard LAN computer systems. He worked directly with TRIDENT Refit Facility, retail vendors, and COMSUBGRU TEN to install and implement the ship’s Unclassified Shipboard LAN (NIPRNET), allowing the command to connect with various navigational charting agencies to download information and update charts quickly.

•  His appearance is always excellent. He consistently has a smart-looking uniform and haircut. He has already earned my recommendation for advancement. Petty Officer Osterday’s performance was consistently superb. He is highly recommended for advancement to Petty Officer First Class and programs leading to a commission.

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June 5, 2000 to June 15, 2001

Petty Officer Osterday continues to demonstrate superb enthusiasm and initiative in pursuit of assigned qualifications. His impressive drive and motivation were contributing factors in his early submarine qualification setting an outstanding example for other newly reporting personnel to emulate.

•  His desire to learn and become an integral part of the Navigation Division has made him a tremendous asset. He willingly accepted all assigned tasks and aggressively attacked them with his utmost attention and capabilities. He requires little or no supervision in completing assigned tasks.

•  As Test Equipment Petty Officer, he ensured all required items were functional and in calibration to support RHODE ISLAND’s ability to complete her mission.

•  His tireless efforts resulted in the timely completion of numerous chart corrections directly contributed to the successful completion of the ship’s primary mission.

Petty Officer Osterday has performed superbly. He is highly recommended for advancement to Second Class Petty Officer.

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February 18, 2000 to June 4, 2000

This evaluation is submitted on the occasion of Seaman Osterday’s frocking to ET3 on the Cycle 166 Enlisted Advancement Examination.

The following school was completed during his initial training: Trident Navigation Operator (714N/A-193-0404) from 3/3/00 ~ 5/11/00.

Seaman Osterday has demonstrated superb enthusiasm and initiative in pursuit of assigned qualifications. Although only on board for a short time, he has excelled in his qualifications. His remarkable drive will make him a strong contributing member of the Navigation Team in the very near future. He has the potential to become an outstanding sailor and an integral part of the division. Any assigned tasks are willingly accepted and attacked with his utmost attention and capabilities. He is highly recommended for advancement to Petty Officer Third Class.

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September 8, 1999 to February 17, 2000

This evaluation is submitted for promotion recommendation.

Completed the following courses:

Basic Enlisted Submarine School – A-060-0011 – 88.7

ET Core – A-100-0138 – 97.6

Navigation Principles – A-102-0386 – 91.8

•  A model sailor for juniors to follow. Always wears an inspection ready uniform and helps the class reach and maintain this standard.

•  Willingly accepts the hardest jobs. Class leader for Navigation Principles and ET A School. Responsible for 47 students.

•  Developed and implemented a standard cleaning watchbill for N523. His efforts greatly enhanced the cleanliness and appearance of Bldg. 427, English Hall.

•  Member of NAVSUBSCOL Silver Dolphin Precision Drill Team. Dedicated over 100 off-duty hours toward practice and performances. Participated in 8 parades/performances throughout New England.

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