For professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as a member of Navigation Division in USS Rhode Island (SSBN 740)(Gold) from May 2000 to November 2004. Petty Officer Osterday consistently performed his demanding duties in an exemplary and highly professional manner. His qualification of all Navigation Division watches, which included Navigation Supervisor, added much needed flexibility to an undermanned and rapidly changing watchbill. His personal drive and adherence to the highest standards of excellence set an example for his peers and all junior personnel in the department. His extensive Navigation Subsystem knowledge led to his selection as Battle Stations Missile Navigation Supervisor and Central Workstation Operator, the two most critical positions in Strategic Navigation. Due to his discipline and tactical ability, he was hand-picked to stand Battle Stations Torpedo Contact Evaluation Plotter during a Tactical Readiness Evaluation. Petty Officer Osterday’s exceptional professional abilities, initiative and devotion to duty reflected credit upon himself and the United States Naval Service.
November 30, 2004