11/16/14 to 11/15/15
John W. Hale, CDR, USN
USS Kentucky SSBN-737(B)
- Paygrade: E6
- Professional knowledge: 5
- Quality of work: 4
- Equal opportunity: 4
- Military bearing / Character: 4
- Personal job accomplishment / Initiative: 4
- Teamwork: 4
- Leadership: 4
- Individual trait average: 4.14
- Promotion recommendation: Must Promote
Engineered Refueling Overhaul-3, Phase I and II Crew Certification/Sea-Trials-2, ORSE/CODT-2, Predeployment Training Period-2, CODT/Supply Management Inspection/Command and Control Exercise-1, DASO-2
PRI: Navigation Division LPO-10. Responsible for operation and maintenance of all Strategic Navigation, Conventional Navigation and Interior Communications equipment onboard.
COLL: CCC-12; NCPACE Coordinator-12; Training PO-7
WATCH: Nav Center Supervisor
• Driven to Excel. As Navigation Leading Petty Officer, he led 14 Sailors through crew certification and Sea Trials.
• Retention Expert. Provided executive-level oversight to KENTUCKY’s crew-split of 339 Sailors. Highly specialized in Navy programs and policies, he trained and developed five departmental counselors, and managed 43 reenlistments yielding a cumulative 225 years of Naval Service and $1,349,647 in bonuses. His program received a score of 93% and continued the ship’s exceptional track record.
• Superb Counselor. Skilled in solving problems encountered by others. Trained in Suicide Intervention and Cognitive Intervention and, as a Command Assessment Team member, he led seven Sailors to complete college degrees.
Petty Officer Osterday’s ideas and actions spur results. He is logical, articulate, and precise. He has my strongest recommendation for selection to Chief Petty Officer.
Certifications: ABCHS Homeland Security Diplomate
Awards: NAM (6th)