11/16/06 to 11/15/07
David F. Reische, CDR, USN
SDS-5 Det. Undersea Research & Development
- Paygrade: E6
- Professional knowledge: 4
- Quality of work: 5
- Equal opportunity: 3
- Military bearing / Character: 4
- Personal job accomplishment / Initiative: 4
- Teamwork: 4
- Leadership: 4
- Individual trait average: 4.0
- Promotion recommendation: Must Promote
Deployed 252 days onboard USS JIMMY CARTER (SSN 23), providing operational and technical expertise during Multi-Mission Platform Sea Trials, completion of Initial Operational Capability, Operational Readiness Evaluation, and ship’s first Western Pacific deployment.
PRI: Command SharePoint Web Portal Administrator-12
COLL: Mission Planning-12; Training Petty Officer-9; Qualification Exam Petty Officer-12
WATCH: Sensor Supervisor-12; Side Scan Operator-12; DS/OAS Operator-12; Cargo Bay Handling Supervisor-7; Mission Navigation Watch-12; Cargo Bay Handler-12 (at sea)
• Meticulously accurate. Prepared 14 extensive mission plans consisting of over 210 days of operations supporting tactical navigation, safety of ship and sensor employment. His tireless efforts ensured success through 6 MMP phase trials, 3 mission work ups, and a TYCOM / ISIC Operational Readiness Evaluation.
• Leader and team builder. Trained, and supervised six Share Point web portal administrators. Devoted over 500 hours developing the web portal, a resource serving 200 personnel with 1.2 terabytes of data, including more than 3000 manuals, drawings, and workspace documentation, supporting USS JIMMY CARTER’s CNO mission reporting.
• Tireless mentor. Devoted numerous off-duty hours cross-training personnel, resulting in three qualified Sensor Supervisors, greatly contributing to watchbill flexibility.
Petty Officer Osterday accomplishes all tasks with extraordinary efficiency and resourcefulness. Always displays sustained superior performance in all tasks assigned. He has my recommendation for advancement to Chief Petty Officer.
Qualifications: Cargo Bay Handling Supervisor; TDU Operator; SSN-23
Education: LPO Leadership Course
Awards: Letter of Commendation